What Is A Verified Job?

Our job board is populated with public job postings from the web. This allows us to provide a large number of jobs for our users to peruse. We think this volume is an important aspect of becoming the best place to find Rust jobs. However, this approach also has its challenges.

One challenge is what job seekers refer to as "ghost jobs." Ghost jobs are posted without real intent to hire. Whether the company is manufacturing the appearance of growth or trawling for a future talent pool, these jobs can be a big source of frustration for job seekers.

Verified jobs address this problem by allowing serious hirers to put money behind their postings. Hirers pay on a monthly basis for verified jobs. Because verified jobs are more relevant for our users, they are privileged on our platform. They always surface at the top of results, and we mark them with a check mark and distinctive, filtra orange coloring.

Verified jobs look something like this:

senior example engineer
example co.

Of course, verified jobs are also one way we get paid. We charge $300/mo for a verified job. So, if you are hiring, we would love to help you post verified jobs. Just reach out: filtra@filtra.io.